Florida Association of Hispanic Journalists
Since 1984
Por la libertad de expresión y la preservación de nuestra cultura latina.
For Freedom of Expression and the preservation of our Latin culture.
Principal Activities of the Assocciation and it's members in the last years

Policy workshop for Hispanic Journalists
Sponsored by Miami Diario

Conference on Israel and the Middle East: conflict and public opinion

Journalists Workshop: Media and the coverage of the Ukraine-Russian crisis
Sponsored by the European Union Center of UM and FIU

Hispanicize Miami Conference in Spanish

Press and Public Diplomacy Counselors of the EU embassies in Washington D.C
Sponsored by the European Union Center of UM and FIU

Recognition of the Ambassador Maria Cristina Barrios and Almanzor
Consul of Spain

Breakfast with the ACLU and Hispanic Journalists
Other link: The ACLU blog (please scroll down)

Farewell to Ambassador Juan Miguel Gutierrez Tinoco, Consul of Mexico

Presentation of the book A Man without a Shadow
about the life of our Director Pedro Rodríguez Medina
Posted by our Editorial Letra Viva

Encounter with Occupy Miami students and university professors

Presentation of the book by journalist of Venezuelan-born Pilar Marrero
The awakening of the American dream in collaboration with the European Union Center of UM and FIU. Blog: (Immigration in the United States and Europe).

Participation in activities of the neighborhood Barrio Art Space in Little Havana

Meeting with politicians and personalities of the community

Breakfast-Roundtable: The European Union and the Hispanic media (FIU-UM)
in collaboration with the European Union Center of UM and FIU

63rd General Assembly of the Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa 

Participation in social and political activities

Participation in international social and political activities

Meetings with international personalities

International congresses

Support to other community organizations

Various activities

Carnival of the mile

With China Chamber of Commerce

At of the Railroad Museum of the Golden Coast

Encounters with personalidades
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All Photos in this section are copyright and could be used only by authorization from FAHJ.

If you see the text with the photos are incomplete, that depends on the members that give the images, because after they are approved and published in this page, they need to send back to revised text.